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What Are Progressive Lenses?
Oculi Vision • February 9, 2022

Our patients often ask us, “What are progressive lenses?” With so many eyeglass options to choose from, questions like this one are common. It can be tough to make an informed decision about your unique vision needs. Here, we discuss the benefits of progressive lenses and what makes them different than other choices. 

Progressive Lenses 

Progressive lenses were first designed in 1959, yet many people are still unaware of them. This is because most don’t see them unless they’re in need. Bifocals, in contrast, are common today. This design features two prescriptions separated by a line. Their wearer sees two distinct levels of focus depending on where they look. Of course, trifocal lenses also feature an added degree of focus.

Progressive lenses are a new, convenient form of lenses. These eyeglasses feature three prescription strengths in one pair of glasses. Although, unlike trifocals, there aren’t any lines separating them. In fact, they’re built right into the lens, allowing wearers to shift seamlessly between various levels of focus.

The main advantage of this is focal flexibility. A pair of progressive lenses improves clarity at many distances. Whether reading a book, working on a project, or driving a vehicle, they will support your vision and focus. However, these lenses function like eyes do normally, meaning you’ll need to face the objects to see them. 

What Makes Progressive Lenses Different? 

There are many differences between these lens types. First, standard lenses have one optical strength while progressive lenses have three. This makes them more versatile and user-friendly in most cases.

Unlike bifocals and trifocals, progressive lenses don’t have a visible line between focus levels. They appear to transition smoothly from one degree to the next. This gradual shift in clarity is useful when switching between many tasks throughout the day.

Since progressive lenses feature newer technology, they may cost more than traditional lenses. Their convenience and versatility more than make up for it, though. It’s much safer to have a single multipurpose pair, and easier to keep track of, too. 

Benefits of Progressive Lenses 

All patients’ vision is unique, as are their correction needs, and progressive lenses aren’t always for everyone. They provide certain advantages to some more than others. The following are the most likely to benefit from progressive lenses. 

1. Patients over 40 Years Old  

As we age, our vision needs change a lot. Many people over 40 have a variety of issues that one pair of glasses simply can’t fix. Progressive lenses may be a good option for those in this group. Consult your optician to see if they’re the right choice for you. 

2. Those with Multiple Prescriptions 

It can be dangerous to manage multiple prescription pairs of glasses. A single slip-up may leave you unprepared to conduct your daily routine. For instance, wearing the wrong pair while driving may put your life and others at risk. If you dislike your bifocals, or struggle to keep track of many pairs, progressive lenses can help. 

3. Patients with Presbyopia 

If you suffer from farsightedness, progressive lenses may be a good fit for you. Replacing your reading glasses can improve your quality of life to a great degree. Ask your optician about the pros and cons of making the switch. 

4. Children with Myopia 

There are some cases where progressive lenses are suggested for children. They may be useful in preventing the progression of nearsightedness (myopia). In fact, one study found that progressive lenses slowed myopia progression more than single-vision lenses. Prompt treatment is a major factor in results, so discuss the choice with your doctor as soon as possible. 

Wearing the right type of prescription glasses is vital. Vision needs change over time and regular eye exams are the best way to stay proactive. If you’re unhappy with your current prescription or are looking for a more convenient pair, contact us about progressive lenses. We’ll take the guesswork out of the process and support the quality of life you deserve. 

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